S.A.F.E. Certified Training Courses
Several S.A.F.E. certified courses are available for the public. All of these courses were developed with the aid from several people from many applicable walks of life, varying from military, police, E.P. specialists, and competitive shooters.
We have courses developed for everything from basic pistol, rifle, or shotgun applications to defensive pistol tactics, CPR/First Aid/AED certifications, basic baton training, and many other types of application.
Don’t like large groups? We offer private training sessions for all skill levels. We have several instructors who can aid in pistols, rifles, and shotguns on a one-on-one basis!
No firearm? No problem! We have several styles of firearms available for rent!
This 5 hour course is designed for the beginning shotgun shooter. Whether you have your first shotgun and want to learn more about it, or are just trying to learn about the shotgun world, this class is for you! We will cover the basics of shotgun safety, parts and nomenclature, shooting fundamentals and applications to shotgun sports, and includes live fire training. All live fire exercises are instructed in an one-on-one setting, meaning each student will receive individualized training on the firing line!
Want to take this class, but it isn’t being offered on a date that works for you?
This 5 hour course is designed for the beginning pistol shooter. Whether you have your first pistol and want to learn more about it, or are just trying to learn about the pistol world, this class is for you! We will cover the basics of firearms safety, parts and nomenclature, shooting fundamentals and applications pistol shooting, and includes live fire training. All live fire exercises are instructed in an one-on-one setting, meaning each student will receive individualized training on the firing line!
Want to take this class, but it isn’t being offered on a date that works for you?
This 5 hour course is designed for the beginning rifle shooter. Whether you have your first rifle and want to learn more about it, or are just trying to learn about the rifle world, this class is for you! We will cover the basics of firearms safety, parts and nomenclature, shooting fundamentals and applications rifle shooting, and includes live fire training. All live fire exercises are instructed in an one-on-one setting, meaning each student will receive individualized training on the firing line!
Want to take this class, but it isn’t being offered on a date that works for you?
We are proud to offer two-hour private training sessions for any type of firearms application! We can focus on any application, and use a variety of training aids such a steel targets, silhouette targets, Mantis units, and many others. We train on a private training bay to eliminate distractions, and all live fire exercises, as always, are done on a one-on-one basis.
Private Training Sessions are offered on an as-needed basis, and can be scheduled just about any time. To schedule your private training session, Contact us
This 3 hour course is designed to introduce the beginning baton user on the proper and many applications of batons. Items covered during this class include the history of batons, CQB and distance applications, proper deployment, and baton selection criteria. Strike training is also included in this course.
These classes are currently being held on an as-needed basis and can be held just about any time. For scheduling, Contact us!
The pistol exploration course is for those who are either looking to purchase their first firearm, or just want to explore other options. During this course, we will go over the different styles and action types of firearms, loading and unloading techniques for each one, and get you hands-on with upwards of 40 different pistols!
As an added benefit, we include the option to take any of the firearms we have in the class out to the range for live-firing training! We have firearms ranging from .22 revolvers, glocks, sigs, 1911, all the way to the S&W 500 magnum. The only thing not included is the cost of ammunition. (reloaded ammunition is not allowed)
This class is scheduled on an as-needed basis, and can be scheduled just about any time. To schedule your session, Contact us!
This 5 hour course is was developed to meet the needs for the intermediate shooter who is able to demonstrate the safe handling of firearms and the fundamentals of pistol shooting. Attendees can expect to shoot a minimum of 250 rounds. Items covered in this course are the methods of safely and effectively drawing form a holster, proper presentation, and the defensive application of the fundamentals of pistol shooting. Some of the live fire drills will include hip firing, distance shooting, low light shooting, multiple target acquisition, and many more.
Want to take this class, but it isn’t being offered on a date that works for you?
This 5 hour course is designed for the beginning or intermediate handgun owner. Ring in your skills with a steel shooting course! Learn multiple target engagement with steel silhouettes, precision techniques with dueling trees, along with many other fun and exciting drills.
Want to take this class, but it isn’t being offered on a date that works for you?